Liebe zur Musik 6+ Automatische übersetzen
11 Октября
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
Ab 19 Uhr.
Im Rahmen des Tschaikowsky-Musikfestivals zum 180. Jahrestag seiner Geburt.
Tschaikowsky, Schubert
Anton Andreev (Cello)
Irina Savelyeva (Bratsche)
Elena Raskova (Violine)
Maxim Kuzin (Violine)
- The First Theater Festival was held in Salekhard for the third time
- In the Saratov Youth Theater the premiere of the student performance "Armless from Spokane"
- The exhibition "Feather", consisting of watercolors by P. Kuzin, opened in Belgorod
- Cherepovets hosts the Golden Mask festival
- Kammermusikabend
- Exhibition of one painting by Victor Kuzin "Sunset on the Ugra"
- Exhibition of creativity of the talented artist Lyubov Savelyeva in Voronezh
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